2001 Ad Fontes Certamen
Level II - Round Three

1. We'll start off with some easy (but maybe strange) questions. What
two Latin cases rhyme in every syllable? Locative and vocative.

Bonus:Give the locative form of Rome. Romae.

2. What is the name given to the gods who preceded the Olympians?

Bonus:What two Titans gave birth to the Olympians? Cronus and Rhea.

3. What Roman magistrate had the duty of keeping the streets clean,
entertaining the public, and hosting annual games? Aedile.

Bonus:If a politician skipped the aedileship, what next office in the cursus honorum did he seek? Praetorship

4. What was Rome's first non-peninsular conquest, an island acquired as a
result of the First Punic War? Sicily.

Bonus: Hannibal's taking of Saguntum provoked the Second Punic War. In what country was Saguntum? Spain.

5. From what Latin verb (give all four principal parts) with what meaning
is our adjective "perfect" derived? Perficio, perficere, perfeci, perfectum-to finish, complete.

Bonus: What does the word "pluperfect" literally mean? More complete.

6. Who founded Thebes and peopled the city with men who sprang from
dragon's teeth? Cadmus.

Bonus: What had been the sign to Cadmus to found the city where a did? He had been instructed by an oracle to found a city where a certain cow lay down.

7. Who were the members of the second triumvirate? Antony, Octavius, and

Bonus: Who was the first of this group to die, and what was the cause of his death? Antony, suicide (as Octavian entered Alexandria).

8. One of the more expensive clothing dyes took its name from the Phoenician city of Tyre. What color was this dye? Purple, or red.

Bonus: From where in nature did this dye come? Shellfish / murex

9. How many tenses of the infinitive exist? 3

Bonus:Give the three active infinitives of the verb amare. amare, amavisse, amaturus esse.

10. Opposites are fun! Brevis is to longus as bellum is to this. Pax.

Bonus: How 'bout this one, a little harder: brevior is to longior as melior is to this. Peior.

11. As we can infer from the fact that December was the tenth (and last) month of the Roman year at one point, what Latin month used to be the beginning of the Roman year? Martius.

Bonus: At that point in Roman history, what were the Latin names of July and August? Quintilis and Sextilis.

12. Since we are speaking of calendars, tell me what Roman magistrate reformed the Roman calendar and instituted the use of the Egyptian solar year for 45 B.C.? Julius Caesar.

Bonus: How many days were in the Roman year after the Julian reform? 365.

13. The Caucasus mountains lie between the Black and Caspian seas. Whom did Zeus order to be chained to these mountains as a punishment for his stealing fire from Olympus to give to man? Prometheus.

Bonus: On the far western edge of the Black Sea was Colchis. What sorceress was the daughter of the king of this land? Medea

14. Give the 1st person plural, present active subjunctive of tempto, temptare. Temptemus

Bonus: Give the 1st person plural, present subjunctive of conor, conari. Conemur.

15. Translate the verb of the following sentence into Latin. "Marcus,
you and Sextus ought not to play near the river." Debetis

Bonus: Translate the subject of the sentence into good Latin. Sextus et tu (not tu et Sextus).

16. Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus is not known to us for many great political
feats, but rather we think of him as the man who stayed at home and took
the omens in order to frustrate the legislation of 59 B.C. when he was
consul with what other man? Julius Caesar.

Bonus: How did the Romans mockingly refer to the year 59 B.C. The consulship of Julius and Caesar.

17. Taking some grammar from the previous question, how does one say "at
home" in Latin? Domi.

Bonus: We said that Bibulus stayed home and took the omens in order to frustrate Caesar's legislation. What Latin word would translate "in order to," and what type of clause does it introduce. Ut purpose clause.

18. Bibulus was not the only one in ancient Rome who watched out for bad omens. What preventive step did a newly married man take in ancient Rome to ensure that his marriage started out on the right foot? He carried
his bride over the threshold to prevent her stumbling.

Bonus: What animal was usually sacrificed at a Roman wedding? A pig.

19. Name three of the nine muses. Clio, Urania, Thalia, Terpsichore,
Polyhymnia, Calliope, Melpomene, Euterpe, Erato.

Bonus: Name three more.

20. Give the three comparative forms of bonus, bona, bonum. Melior, melior,

Bonus: Give the comparative forms of malus, mala, malum. Peior, peior, peius.